Buckaroo Sweater Review & Giveaway
My hubby just celebrated his birthday on Tuesday. Every year I shop for unique gifts for him. I used to overdo it on gifts....you see, I'm a gifter. I look all year long for fun surprises for those I love. I have fun with it, but as Shane and I have gotten older we have realized that we truly have everything we want and in truth we are saving up for a special four-legged gift this year (so unnecessary, excessive spending is on hold). We both agreed to cut back on what we are buying for one another. So, in line with our decision I wanted to get him just one really neat, unique gift. I love to give him tack, cowboy gear, or something he will enjoy. After 13 years of doing this I was coming up empty-handed this year until one day he sent me a link via messenger to check out. Here is our conversation:

I was quite surprised that he messaged me about clothing, but I checked it out right away and liked what I saw. Shane loves cowboy sweaters. They are getting harder and harder to find. He used to be really partial to wool, but living in the gumbo has changed his mind about that since several have been ruined during calving season in years past. He is always on the lookout for something that will keep him warm, be comfortable, and be washable. He also has to be careful about what kind of collars he wears as some interfere with his hat.
So, I checked out Coyote Valley Saddle Shop's website. I really liked the look of these sweaters. The color/pattern selection was really neat and it looked to me like these folks knew what they were doing. They looked like working ranchers like us! The funny part is that when I looked at their address on their website I stopped in my tracks. It said Fallon, MT! WHAT?! I grew up north of the Yellowstone River somewhat between Terry and Miles City, MT. Why I think this is funny is because our phone number was listed out of Fallon. I never fully understood that because we lived on the opposite side of the river and in a completely different direction, but nevertheless you could find us in the phone book in Fallon, MT! I eagerly texted the number listed plus I called and left a voicemail. I did have a question as to how these sweaters fit. Shane is a big guy. He usually wears a XXL Tall western shirt. Things that are too short are no good on him...especially when he is out on in the elements trying to stay warm. So, I needed to know how long these ran.
Chelsea Seamann of Coyote Valley Saddle Shop called me back a bit later. I had a good chat with her about her Buckaroo Sweaters. She said that her husband, Cory, does the leather work and she started making the sweaters using her own pattern because her husband because he couldn't find a sweater that he really liked. Chelsea said they run pretty true to size and since she designed them for her cowboy husband I could be assured that they wouldn't be too short. She also said the collar wouldn't bump Shane's hat up in the back either. I was satisfied by her answers and by the time I was done talking to her I had decided to order another one for Stone and one for myself. If these sweaters were as she described we would all benefit from them. I was also eager to put them to the test for myself. I can't really review something if I don't honestly use the item myself. Before I hung up I asked Chelsea about Fallon, MT. Apparently they just moved there from Burwell, Nebraska. That's closer to me down here in southern South Dakota. I shared with her how I had grown up in that area and knew a lot of folks still up there. It's so crazy how small this world really is!
Our sweaters arrived in quick fashion and I loved how soft they were. They are fleece, but I would classify them as a heavy fleece. The wind doesn't get through them like other fleece items I have had in the past. I like the length of them. The collar is awesome because it kind of hugs your neck without strangling you (I have a thing with tight neck things). I like the leather/wooden toggle on the front too. If need be you can really keep the neck closed to guard against the wind.

Here is a back view of the neck also. It can stand up pretty high if you want it too. I like the label Chelsea put on there. :)

I will say that I have short arms. I always worry about the length of sleeves on things. The sleeves are just right on here, but the nice thing is if I ever feel they are ever too long I can just roll them up a bit as there isn't a big thick cuff on them either. These sweaters do have side pockets on them that work nicely. All in all I think these are great. In fact, I went back online and ordered 3 more for gifts. I was so impressed that I called Chelsea again and asked if she would mind if I reviewed her Buckaroo Sweaters. She was excited and even agreed to give one away to one lucky winner! How awesome is that?! So, now is your chance to win one of these amazing Buckaroo Sweaters! All you do is 3 quick things to get entered to win!
1 & 2. Hop over to my fan page and LIKE then share this pinned post. Click here
3. Click on the graphic below to get entered on my website today!
By the way, that is Shane wearing his Buckaroo Sweater and Stone even wore his fencing the other day. My guys love them, I love them, and I just know you will love them too! Best of luck to you in this giveaway, but if you aren't the lucky one chosen you now know where you can get them at! ~Cheyenne