Kisses Are Free!
“The best kind of kiss is when you have to stop because you can’t help but smile.” ~ Unknown • Flash brings the biggest smile to my face...

Mama Means Business...
Mama means business when it comes to her new baby boy! • We excitedly welcomed our newest Gypsy Vanner - Quarter Horse colt. He’s a...

Daddy Scout
Daddy approves of his fourth little boy! • I’ve had a thing for Gypsy Vanner’s for a long time. When we were able to buy Scout as a...

Always See Beauty
“Youth is happy because it has the ability to see beauty. Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old.” ~ Franz Kafka • I...

Gypsy Soul
I’ve always had a gypsy soul. I was born with it and I like to think it’s because of my Native ancestors and my pioneering roots. It...

What Brings You Joy?
Do you make time for the things that bring you joy? ❓ I hope you do! 💯 Horses have always been and always will be a big part of me....