Through Her Lens - Interview with Richelle Barrett - TNC Podcast - Episode 19
I had the best time chatting with Richelle Barrett aka The Prairie Crocus! She’s a busy wife, mom, photographer, rancher, agvocate, and so much more. I feel so fortunate to be friends with some of the most amazing women! To listen in on our conversation check the link in my bio or click here. You can also read more in depth information provided by Richelle below. You can also find her on her blog and on Instagam and Facebook. Enjoy!
Name, where you grew up, where you live now, give a little background on yourself.
My name is Richelle Barrett. My husband and our girls live on my family’s ranch, south of Havre,
Montana. I grew up here, and we actually live in my paternal grandma’s house. I went to college
in Powell WY for two years and got a degree in Equine studies, and then returned to Havre &
got married. In 2008 I went back to college at MSU-Northern and received a two year degree in
Agriculture Technology.
I have held several jobs since college, working as a receptionist, customer service rep,
consumer banker, financial specialist, executive assistant, and now as a social media specialist.
I am also a self taught photographer and writer, and have a blog page on Facebook and just
started a photography business this year.
What is your role in agriculture?
I have been involved in ranching since I was born. I grew up
helping ride and work cattle, and joined 4-H in middle school. I showed horses, a lamb, and
several steers. I returned to the ranch after getting married, and we bought our first group of
cattle I think in 2008 or 2009. We have been running cattle with my parents since then. I have
been working with farmers and ranchers all my life, basically by default of living in a small town.
My blog has allowed me to connect with other women in ranching and farming, and has given
me the opportunity to tell our story in a way I never imagined.
What got you interested in ranching, farming, etc.?
Just being involved in the work as a kid, and
then my husband was interested in raising cattle when we were first married. As a kid, I never
imagined it would be me coming back to the ranch, but my brothers had no interest in it, and for
some reason I fell in love with cows (I have always loved horses), so it just made sense to dive
Are you married (special someone in your life)?
Yep, My husband, Shane, and I will be
celebrating our 16th wedding anniversary in July of this year! We were high school sweethearts
and got married after I graduated college the first time.
Do you have children?
Yes, we have two girls, Macy (who will be 11 on April 6th) and Ainsley, who just turned 9 in February.
Inspirational person in your life?
I have a few. My husband definitely pushes me to do better,
and to get out of my comfort zone. My mom taught me to be kind, and inspires me to keep trying
even when things don’t turn out like you planned. There are a few women I have become really
great friends with, and they inspire me to be a better human every day.
Most memorable moment?
Well, seeing a whale in the ocean in Hawaii was pretty incredible, as
was seeing the mountains of Alaska- they took my breath away. Harvesting an elk when I was
pregnant with my oldest daughter, and then watching her harvest her first deer 10 years later
was pretty neat. Also, I will never forget sticking myself in the wrist by accident at branding a few
years ago- I don’t think I have ever known pain like that!
I love to read, and ride my horse by myself out through the cows. I enjoy baking, and
cooking ridiculously large meals for holidays and brandings.
What is your favorite movie? Dances with Wolves, and anything with Clint Eastwood. I also love
It’s a Wonderful Life.
What is your favorite music?
I love classic rock, country, and classical piano. My playlist spans
several genres and years! If it is older than me, I probably love it.
What is your favorite food?
Lamb gyros, and tenderloin steaks.
What is your favorite color?
Turquoise and black
What is your favorite recipe?
I don’t really use recipes unless I am baking. I have a recipe for a
cooked buttercream frosting that my granny used to make, and that’s pretty special to me.
What is your favorite animal?
Horses, dogs, and cattle.
What is your biggest pet peeve?
Just one? (Haha!) Probably people who focus on only thenegative, and never even try to look for the silver lining. Also, people who are self-serving.
What is your favorite quote/motto?
“Failure isn’t the end.” and “What you do in your house is
worth as much as if you did it up in heaven for our Lord God”. (Martin Luther)
What are you excited about (business endeavors)?
I have started doing some portrait and
agriculture legacy photography on my own. I am also excited to be attending a photo workshop
a friend of mine is putting on, and learning about content photography. I am also working on a
book that I hope to have available before Christmas.
What are your goals/aspirations?
I really just want to raise good kids, and be able to carry on
my family’s ranching legacy. I would love to write a novel some day, and I intend to expand my
photography and writing so it becomes my main income source.
Where do you go to clear your head?
Usually anywhere horseback. I find that spending time
with my horse really helps reset my mind. Also, when it isn’t forty below outside, I find that just
sitting on the ground and listening to nature really helps put things back into perspective.
Dream vacation?
I have always wanted to go to Greece, because I am fascinated by Greekhistory. I would also love to go back to Hawaii, especially Maui and Kauaʻi.
What advice would you give your younger self?
Don’t be so hard on yourself - no one has lifefigured out. I would also say- don’t waste your life being angry, because things always work out.