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RIP, Doc

Our hearts are broken as we had to say goodbye to Doc Wednesday night. He was the best and we are taking his passing very hard.

His 18 years on this earth were filled with him being a good partner who got along with everyone. Doc was the horse that got me back into the arena after a 20 year absence. He gave me my confidence back after I got bucked off while roping and wrecked my wrist/arm. He was always steady. He was as true as the day was long. He never had a bad day or was in a bad mood. He knew who he was and he was settled in it. He was the trustiest horse I’ve ever owned. He helped me and my team win the 2015 WRRA World Finals Year End and countless other awards and some buckles. Walt Woodard even rode him at our roping clinic!

When we saw it was time he became Stone’s horse. They became fast friends. Doc never faltered and we never had to worry about Stone’s safety on him. Anyone could ride him and there wasn’t a thing you couldn’t do on him. Doc loved his treats and gave the best hugs. He will be missed more than I can even say. He knew how loved he was and he spent some great years with us. He was never overworked or underfed. He got lots of hugs and pets when he wanted them. His sudden passing has left a huge void here on our place and in our hearts.

Rest easy,’ve earned your place up in those green pastures. Until we meet again...




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