The Honeymoon Cabin
The Honeymoon Cabin
This cabin is where my love and I spent our first night together as husband and wife almost 13 years ago. It’s got a special story behind it too, which makes it that much closer to my heart. ❤️
As Shane’s grandparents tell it…about 100 years ago this cabin was the home of a homesteader and his mail-order bride. In fact, it was his wedding gift to his new spouse. Apparently, she was a girl of the night from Chicago! Up until that point, he had lived in a lean-to nearby. I bet this was like a palace to him once they moved in. It’s pretty small by today’s standards….one room is all it is, but it has stood the test of time so he built it pretty well! 💪🏼
It’s astonishing to me to think about how much everything has changed in 100 short years. Lately my mind has been shifting into a whole new way of thinking. #LessIsMore 🙌🏼
I wonder how much less all of us could do with on a daily basis? I know personally as I look back that a lot of my stress has come from having too much of things. I believe #Less is the key to enjoying life a bit more. What do you think of that way of thinking? Could you make it through life in a cabin such as this one? It would definitely take some adjusting, but I believe we all can do whatever we put our minds too. If nothing else it definitely makes one stop and think!