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You Just Can't See Him From The Road

"Well, he's tall in the saddle and short on the cash

The last to quit, the first to buy the beer

Well, he's knight in leather armor still living' by the code

That's make him what he's been a hundred years

But he's still out there riding' fences

Still makes his living' by his rope

As long as there's a sunset, he'll keep riding' for the brand

You just can't see him from the road"

~Chris LeDoux

Let me take a moment and give credit where credit is due. This is the 14th year that I've been blessed to be alongside this incredible guy. Shane isn't one for recognition, but he deserves it. He works his ass off every single day out here and he puts his heart and soul into what he does. He keeps going no matter what (and I know a lot of people who would opt for an easier way of life). That's not how he is built and I'm so grateful for that!

He cares for our livestock like our lives depend upon it....because they do. Our livelihood is not glamorous and in truth a lot of people don't even know what goes into getting food onto their tables.....but we know. And those of us who live this life know. We've shed blood, sweat, and tears to make ends meet....and some years those ends don't come together. We know what it feels like, but we don't quit. We don't throw in the towel and we don't hide from our responsibilities no matter the time of year or weather.

God blessed me with this man to walk through life together. He's an amazing father and the most supportive and positive-minded man I could ever hope to be partnered up with. Thank you for being who you are, Shane. I love you more than you'll ever know! <3

GOD BLESS THE RANCHERS!!! ~Cheyenne Glade Wilson




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