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Day 4 Confession #Last90Days

Day 4 Confession: Ever heard the phrase "Change your mind. Change your life!"? I have lived this in the past, but I have to be honest...I haven't been living that lately. This whole #Last90Dayschallenge has me thinking about my goals in a different way. I no longer "have" to do anything, but...I know if I want to make lasting changes I have to commit and not stop. This is where this quote comes in and it's helping me so much. I no longer am going to break promises to myself! As a wife, mom, and business owner a lot of the time I put my own things last and don't make them a priority. It's what happens and I know millions of other women can relate. That stopped when I started this journey on October 1st. There's something powerful about thinking about it like this and it's helping me stay focused! I hope you are using something that works for you is too short to not be living your life to the fullest!




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