Pasta & Beef with Whiskey Cream Sauce
The wind is absolutely howling here today.....and we are under a wind warning...what a shock!! Lots of people cuss the wind.....and before I moved here I was one of them. Don't get me wrong...I don't love it. However, it dries out something that I despise....gumbo mud!! And it does so quite quickly.....hooray!! The fact that we can barely stand up out there is just something we have to put up, I don't cuss it anymore...unless I have riding to do....roping to do.....or if it's dry outside....then I cuss it.....extensively too! :)
I am excited to see the number of "likes" growing on Facebook for my blog and it's nice to see people actually following me.....interested in my ramblings. :) I post a lot on Facebook about what I'm cooking or's fun. I get quite a lot of interaction from folks about it. I've been asked about my recipes and I love to share. It's nice to be able to share recipes in one spot now though. From here on out, I will be doing so right here. I even made a recipe category for my posts. This leads me to my subject today.....Pasta & Beef with Whiskey Cream Sauce. Hold onto your hats.....this is one recipe you are going to want to try!
This recipe is a sort of copy/re-do. As I have talked about before...I love The Pioneer Woman. I use a lot of her recipes. This concoction is actually a credit to one of her recipes. I found it, but since it didn't have meat in it Shane wouldn't eat it....big shocker! I had to "cowboyize" the dish so that we could both be happy. Here is PW's original version:
The name is rather long....I didn't feel like adding "Beef" to the original name so I made it my own....."Pasta & Beef with Whiskey Cream Sauce". It may not officially be a whiskey cream sauce in some cook's opinions, but it's what I like to call there! :)
The truth is...when I make this (and a lot of my other meals)....I don't measure....I just add things until it tastes right to me. If you cook a lot you know what I mean when I say this. Truly good cooks don't measure everything (measuring has it's place...for sure...especially when baking). I think a confident cook knows just what to add to make her meals the way she and her family likes them after she has perfected them. has proven difficult to me to transfer some recipes to share with you all. I'm going to do my best!
Pasta & Beef with Whiskey Cream Sauce
2 lbs. of Steak
1 package, Sliced Mushrooms (fresh)
2 Tablespoons, Olive Oil
2 Tablespoons, Butter
2 whole Large Purple/Red Onions, Peeled And Sliced
1 Cup Cooking Wine
3/4 cups Jack Daniels or Lord Calvert (JD is best)
1/2 cup Chicken Broth
1 cup Heavy Cream
Salt And Pepper, to taste
Lawry's Seasoning Salt
1 package, Wide Egg Noodles
Prepare the steak by cutting off excess fat and cutting into small bite-sized pieces. In a large, deep skillet, heat olive oil and the butter over medium heat. Brown the steak (adding a little salt and pepper if you like). When it is about half cooked, throw in the sliced mushrooms and onions. Saute for a couple of minutes. Pour in wine and whiskey and allow to bubble for a minute or two. Pour in broth and allow the liquid to reduce for a couple of minutes. Stir in cream and reduce heat to low. Add salt, and pepper, and simmer until sauce thickens. *About half way through cooking the steak, mushrooms, and onions I boil water and cook the Wide Egg Noodles. When all is done...mix it all together and enjoy.* Easy as that! This is one of our favorite dishes at our house. It's even better left over.....yum!
I apologize for not having step-by-step pictures....kind of got ahead of myself this time. You get the idea I'm sure. This is what it looks like all finished:

Shane is so funny....he loves this dish, but he picks out all the mushrooms. The best part....I love them so I get them all! :) This is why we work as a couple.....he hates mushrooms and I love them....he only complains a little when I cook with them (yeah, I wish). Opposites attract, right?! Hope you enjoy this as much as we do! ~Cheyenne